昨天放了工我和阿姨一家去了马来西亚. 到了那里已经是下午两点了. 我们就去吃个午餐. 吃完后就到附近的购物中心走走. 走着走着就看见了一家途指甲店. 问了价钱就去问问阿姨要不要一起进去做. 谁知阿姨, 表妹和我三人都一起做了. 阿姨做脚指那表妹和我都做手指. 不知不觉三个钟就这样过去了. 对不起哦让你们久等了. HEEHEE因为我做了3D采花... 效果还不错哦.... 美美了哦....开心开心..... 做好了指甲我们就回国了. 回到新加坡差不多已经是旁晚了幸好没JAM要不然不知道要几点才能到家. 到了新加坡时间还早我们就到淡碧泥去取干嗲的行动电话. 过后就回家了. 在回家的路上DANIEL打给我问我要不要见个面因为他没地方去也不想回家那我就做好人陪陪他咯... 但是是他来我这哦因为我已经很累了心情也不是很好. 因为我买了戏票但是我朋友病了不能去. 而我又找不到人陪我去. 到最后我浪费了两张戏票. 算了不想在提了. 和DANIEL聊到9.30PM左右他就走了因为他必需去EXPO载他的父母. 过后我就回家睡觉了因为不知我的肚子在搞什么痛了几天了. 一睡就睡到了隔天早上7点. 起来没东西做而且肚子也还很痛我就在回去睡. 睡着睡着就已经是下午12点了. 哇好会睡哦. HEEHEE... 起了身,冲了凉, 我妈就叫我吃午餐. 吃完午餐就看一看电视. 过后就上网写部落格. 我就是这样过了我的周末.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
好烦哦, 没有你的电话, 那里也不想去
闭上眼, 你却一遍又一遍出现在想你的夜
再多痛苦的等候, 相信我也能承受
不知不觉, 我好想你
我在乎你的感受, 在乎爱的结果
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Monday, February 16, 2009
Last Sat i took leave to stay home to avoid a person plus to look after Don. I invite Alvin & Daniel to my place then at night we went to Airport T3 for dinner. Had dinner at Lerk Thai but then the manager on duty is damn RUDE. I put my name on their waiting list and so they will call me up when there's table avaliable. After about 30min or so the manager called. During the conversation, i already not very happy with the manager attitude.
Conversation between the duty manager and me:
Him: I'm calling from blah blah blah. there's table avaliable. do u still want it?
Me: Yes. we want it.
Him: No ar. ok bye.
Me: Wait wait wait, i say Yes we coming over now.
Him: ok see you here.
When we reach the resturant, the manager on duty NEVER show us the way and just said to me: go to the last table there. Then i was like how come the attitude is so bad. Nvm i nv said anything then i call Daniel to go in together cos he is on the line then the manager said: Give me one minute i answer a call and i say ok no problem.
After the manager answered his call, Daniel was still on the line so i call him saying let's go in. Then guess what the manager said to me.
I was so piss off by then. I ask him back what do you mean by hurry up? Wat does this mean? is this the way to talk to us? He faster say sorry and say tt he dun mean it he just wanna faster close the last order.
I wanted to get his name all this to write in a complain letter but then Hong keep asking me to forget abt it.
You know if you cant take this kind of stress, you can ask for a transfer to other outlet where there is not much crowd during weekend or peak hours.
Eventually we went in for out dinner. BUT you know the food they serve is NOT HOT at all... just say alone the Tom yam soup... it's cold.... and this is why i cant stand anymore i decided to write in a complain letter.
Wake up, wash clothing, sweep floor, get myselve prepare and off to West mall with Daniel. (cos he need to go there to do some sevice call.) Shop around there then went over to Jurong Point to shop. The shopping is too big to shop.... Bought a Tee from there and have dinner at NYNY... After dinner, went home to mop floor then off to bed... Tired
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Monday, February 9, 2009